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Reference 622
Title Media allow user to define Fix Broken Links search scope
Category Multimedia
Description Issue:
Currently Family Historian searches everywhere on a users system when searching for Broken Media Links.

Furthermore Family Historian does not display any indication of the current search drive or location meaning the user cannot make an informed decision as regards quitting the process.

Whilst searching a complete system, which may include several large capacity drives, may sometimes be desirable doing so is more often excessive as most users know where their media collection is stored either within the project or in an remote folder.

In addition to the default allow users the option to select a drive or folder to be searched within, this will be much faster and efficient and also align with competitor software.

Web Link https://www.fhug.org.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?p=140860&hilit=media#p140860
Votes 8
Rating 4.0
Added Monday 30th October 2023
Last Vote Friday 8th December 2023


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