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Reference 615
Title New values of First and Last for Fact Type Normal Time Frame
Category General
Description Proposal: Two new values for Normal Time Frame, "First" for items that should sort to the top of the Facts tab and elsewhere, and "Last" for items that should sort to the end. (It could be argued there's some overlap between "First" and "Pre-birth")...... Benefits: This would allow users to position items outside the normal timeline, such as 'potted biographies' that need featuring (at the top) or 'fixed' attributes (e.g. DNA data, SSN ) that 'clutter' the timeline in the Facts tab and elsewhere. Although this can be done with Sort Dates that adds a step to data entry for such facts, whereas setting the Normal Time Frame for the Fact Type is more efficient.
Web Link https://fhug.org.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=22098&p=139028#p139028
Votes 12
Rating 3.8
Added Saturday 12th August 2023
Last Vote Friday 14th June 2024


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