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Reference 478
Title Family Historian Version for Android
Category General
Description see also
WL#467 iPad/iPhone APP
(note: closed WL#184 [U3 devices] and #340 [PDAs] have been merged into these)

I am looking to downsize my machine to a tablet - I nolonger need the computing power I once needed.
The machine I am getting has an android 3.0 operating system.
I have loved using Family Historian and have recommended it to many others but now I need some help.
When will you be releasing a version for the android operating system.
The tablet is an ideal machine to carry with me as I travel to places associated with my family tree and
I don't really want to enter data twice - once onto the tablet and then have to transcribe onto my large
old Windows machine which runs family historian.

Web Link http://www.fhug.org.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=6235
Votes 63
Rating 4.1
Added Saturday 6th August 2011
Last Vote Wednesday 31st July 2024


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