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Reference 575
Title Age calculator support for alternative calendars
Category General
Description The age calculator doesn't appear to support mixed calendars. I work with a lot of records from Eastern Europe, where the Julian calendar was in use up until the early 20th century (see list of countries bellow). The difference between the two calendars is very small: rising from 10 days in the 17th century to 13 in the 19th. I would love it if the calculator could make that simple conversion. Albania (1912), Lithuania (1915), Latvia (1915), Bulgaria (1916), Turkey (1917), the Ukraine (1918), Russia (1918), Georgia (1918), Estonia (1918), Belarus (1918), Azerbaijan (1918), Armenia (1918), Serbia (1919), Romania (1919), North Macedonia (1919), Montenegro (1919) and Greece (1923). List of adoption dates of the Gregorian calendar per country
Web Link https://fhug.org.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=18973
Votes 1
Rating 2.0
Added Sunday 28th March 2021
Last Vote Sunday 23rd May 2021


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