Sub Categories

    Age at Birth of First Child
    Shows the age of each person at the birth of the first child of the first marriage
    Age at Death Male Line
    This query show the Age at Death for the Male line of a selected person
    Age at Marriage V2
    A version of the Age at Marriage standard query, which includes all married people with birth dates even if they do not have a date for their first marriage
    Age Today
    Simple Query which lists all people, who are alive (e
    Ages on Census
    This query shows the census entries you have for all individuals, except those born after 1901 or who died before 1841
    Ahnentafel by Generation
    Lists an individual’s ancestors, sorted according to the Ahnentafel/Kekulé numbers
    Alive and Age at Date
    Lists all individuals (who have birth and/or death date recorded) alive at a given date (entered via a prompt)
    Alive and Age at Date with Places
    Lists all Individuals who are alive at a given date (entered via a prompt)
    Alive at 1841 Census
    List to aid search on 1841 census
    Alive at 1901 Census
    List to aid search on 1901 census
    All Relations and In-Laws
    This query is only really a base for selecting “family” rather than relations and add a couple of generations of the spouses family to the mix for use on a split tree
    Ancestors Plus Spouse and Children
    Allows you select a start person and lists all ancestors plus their spouses, and their children plus their spouses
    Ancestors with Age at Date
    Prompts for a Root person and a year, and then shows all Ancestors of that person “probably” alive at the date selected
    Ancestors’ Census Places
    This Query extracts all Ancestors for a specified person, excluding those who died before 1841 or were born after 1911, and shows the Census Place for each year for which an entry has been made in the file
    Ancestors’ Missing Census Entries
    This Query extracts all Ancestors for a specified person, excluding those who died before 1841 or were born after 1911, and indicates for each year whether a Census entry has been entered for that Ancestor
    Ancestors’ Missing Census, Sources and Images
    This Query extracts all Ancestors for a specified person, and Siblings of those Ancestors, excluding those who died before 1841 or were born after 1911
    Birth Details
    This query has use in tidying up gaps in the data file
    Blank Death Finder
    Lists all people who have a Death Event which does not contain a Date or Place
    BMD – Census Check
    Lists all individuals in a project (plus a few other details) and any BMD entries, indicating whether an entry exists and if there is some missing information (e
    BMD – Checklist
    Lists the Date & Place for the Birth, Baptism, Marriage, Death & Burial of every individual
    BMD – Estimated Dates
    It extracts everyone where any of the BMD dates contains one of the following: (estimated) or (approx
    BMD – Events without Sources
    This query lists Individuals who have at least one BMD Event with no supporting Source
    Born After Date and Still Living
    This query seeks to identify all those individuals who were, or may have been, born after an entered Cut Off Date, and who are, are estimated to be, or who might be, still alive
    Born in Place
    Prompts for a text string “Place” and lists all individuals whose Birth Place contains that string
    Census – Addresses 1841 to 1911
    List to aid search on all census addresses
    Census – Group
    Displays census information recorded for a group of Individuals in a particular Year and Place
    Census – Index
    Displays in a single row the first four Individual Census Events found for all Individuals
    Census – Place Lists 1841 to 1911
    Selects only those Individuals with census records and shows the Place where they lived through the census years 1841-1911 in which they appeared
    Census – Record Checklist All
    Census checklist, including both Individual and Family Census Events
    Census – The Missing Years
    This query will list an entry for everyone who could potentially be included in a census, and if you have a census entry for that person
    Check Birth Dates
    Lists mothers who give birth before the age of 16 or after the age of 50 and parents (of either sex) whose children are born after their death
    Clooz Export
    Creates data in the format required for Clooz to import, that is: Id, Surname, Given Name, Birth Date, Marriage Date, Death Date
    Common Ancestors
    Asks for two people and shows any ancestors they have in common
    Contact Info
    This custom Query can be used to identify all Individual Records where the Contact Info Attribute has been completed
    Cousins of Named Individual
    Lists Cousins of a Named Individual
    Death Details
    This query is useful for tidying up gaps in the data file
    Descendants by Family Group
    Descendants by Family Group, based on a Start person, this lists all descendants by generation
    Descendants V2
    Lists all the Descendants of two chosen Start Persons, ordered as for a Descendants Chart, and including life dates, spouse, father, mother, and sex
    Descendants with Spouses
    Simple Descendants list with their spouses
    Direct Line
    Allows you select two people at the start and end of a line of ancestors, and gives you all the people in that line with their spouses and children, plus their spouses
    England and Wales GRO Birth Index 1984-2000
    This query lists all the Individuals that should appear in the ‘England and Wales, Civil Registration Birth Index 1984-2000’ based on the Date & Place held in the Birth event
    England and Wales GRO Death Index 1984-2002
    This query will list all the Individuals that should appear in the ‘England and Wales, Civil Registration Death Index 1984-2002’ based on the values held in the Date & Place in the Death event
    England and Wales GRO Marriage Index 1984-2000
    This query lists all Individuals who should appear in the ‘England and Wales, Civil Registration Marriage Index 1984-2000’ based on the Date & Place held against the first Marriage for a couple
    Export FH to Access
    Produces basic details on all individuals
    Family Group Sheet
    Lists the people who are descendants (1 generation) or spouse of a selected person, and provides the basis for a Family Group Sheet, but does not contain all the columns
    Female Lines with Generation Numbers
    Gives all descendants of a selected woman who has an exclusively maternal line, for example for DNA testing preparation
    Find Distant Relations
    Asks for two people and gives a list of anyone who has a relationship with both of them (including via spouses)
    Find Individuals with Notes
    Find all People with Notes: May be used to create a Named List from the Query, then you can delete People from this List as you action the Notes
    Find Individuals with Similar Names
    This simple query produces a list of all people whose first and last names begin the same way
    Flag Living
    This query attempts to flag all persons living in a file