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AS census method 1 address lookup

Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:02
by elricks
Well, I am at my very first test entry of a census. I backed up my DB and can revert to that back up as often as I need.

I cannot find how to look up an address/place. My census form has a difficult to read entry. So difficult that the transcriber has not entered anything for a birth place for the wife. With a lookup function I could find a 'likely place,' It starts with Melton and is in Norfolk. Also my typing leaves a lot to be desired.

I can see where this function is accessible in FH, at least as far as an 'address' is concerned. I have also found Work with Data/places, which is where the conversion process has dumped my data. I will get my head around my choices once I have a play with entering more via AS records.

In AS, the drop down option in Place, when I have entered Thurgarton, Norfolk England in the required field, is empty. I am certain this address is already part of my db, and is considered to be a 'place', as I used the look up function in FH to test. There is no drop down option for the Place field.

Is there a way access to my list of places already in my database within AS? ie with a view of course to be able to select an place to use, removing the need to type it all out.


Re: AS census method 1 address lookup

Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:05
by jbtapscott
Nick will probably come back with further details, but I find if I start to type the Place Name then AS will auto fill it in if it finds a matching Place record in FH. For addresses, the dropdown list has a list of addresses associated with that Place (make sure you have the Church icon unticked!), or it will auto fill in a similar fashion to the Places. (NB. should add that I am using the latest version of AS, although I don't think the processing has changed recently).

Re: AS census method 1 address lookup

Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:12
by NickWalker
If you start to type in the name of a place it will auto-complete it. Where there is more than one place that begins with the same text it chooses the one that appears the most in your file. It will then also begin to choose the most recently used matching place. Once a place is entered, the address list will show all the addresses that are associated with the selected place in your file - you can either type or select from the list.

Re: AS census method 1 address lookup

Posted: 06 Jul 2021 20:58
by elricks
Thanks, yes that is what is happening now. It was NOT when I wrote the post, but I think I was putting in commas where they were not needed.